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RE: Re: envelope from vs data from

2004-03-17 09:39:45

I would like to use the Data From: field because it is the one that is
presented to the user.

I think it is legit to lookup multiple addresses here. The message from is
the best one to stop impersonation spam and impersonation viruses. 

The return address and the envelope from are very useful for checking an
accreditation of the sender. In fact we could just have an accreditation
flag in the reverse DNS of the IP address of the sender and have done...

posting on behalf ...

On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 09:22:01AM -0500, Olson, Margaret wrote:
| I like to use "return address" or "envelope from" and 
"from", because there
| is a close analogy to postal mail. If you look at a piece 
of personal postal
| mail, the return address is very likely to be the same as 
the person who
| composed the letter and sent it to you. If they differ, 
it's mostly likely
| that the return address is in some sense a subset of the 
sender's address;
| it may contain just the household name ("olson") or even 
just the address,
| but in any case if it is returned the return address will 
get the mail back
| to originator.
| If you look at a bill or other piece of non-personal mail, 
be it a bill, an
| advertisement, or a begging letter from a charity, it's 
highly likely that
| the return address and the from are different - for all 
kinds of reasons
| that pretty much apply to bulk email as well. The 
organization that sent the
| mail and handles delivery problems is not the same as the 
one that composed
| and originated the message.

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