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Re: SRS and secondary MX

2004-03-23 10:29:58
Alain Knaff wrote:

In case anybody is interested, attached is the srs.m4 file that we are
using on lll.lu & linux.lu .

Just drop it into /usr/share/sendmail-cf/hack/srs.m4 (RedHat / Fedora)
or /usr/share/sendmail/hack/srs.m4 (SuSE)

Then, add the following lines to your /etc/mail/sendmail.mc (RedHat /
Fedora) or /etc/mail/linux.mc (SuSE):


Hello Alain,

I really like the extra IsSrs macro; it saves resources not having to call
the srs2envtol script when we already know we are not dealing with an SRS
address. :) With your permission, I'd like to add this useful macro to my
"sendmail integration" page.

Moreover, I suggest a minor change:

    Kis_srs regex ^<?SRS[0-9]=.*


    Kis_srs regex ^<?SRS[01]=.*

(N.B. I do not believe an address at ParseLocal ever starts with <, but it
does not hurt to check either).

Obviously, people use SRS for different purposes. Because I do the exact
oposite from your NO_SRS_FROM_LOCAL: I *want* to sign all outgoing
addresses, especially from $=w, so as to have a DSN test on return.


- Mark

        System Administrator Asarian-host.org

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we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx