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Re[2]: Article in Security UPDATE newletter

2004-05-27 08:57:09
Thursday, May 27, 2004, 11:25:41 PM, you wrote:

lkd> Zitat von David Brodbeck <gull(_at_)gull(_dot_)us>:

And greylisting can be a problem as well. There are some broken mail
systems (sending legitimate mail) which treat the greylister's
"temporary failure, please try later" as a delivery acceptance and
never resend. Nor do they (or the particular one I have encountered)
give a non-delivery report to the sender.

I would guess that the people who object to CBV will also object to
greylisting.  It's yet another form of cost-shifting -- you're forcing the
sending server to keep the message on its queue longer and make more
attempts to try to send it.

lkd> With greylisting the cost remain between the two parties involved in the 
lkd> transaction (sendr/recipient). With CBV some third, maybe not at all 
lkd> part have to "pay" too for the transaction.

lkd> That is a great difference if you think of a virus attack with forged 
lkd> addresses.

Realllllly bad example - I'm thinking of a virus attack right now...
and where are all the bounced viruses going ?

lkd> Regards

lkd> Andreas

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