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Re[2]: domainkeys

2004-05-27 11:09:24
GM> "Seth Goodman" <sethg(_at_)GoodmanAssociates(_dot_)com> wrote:

As I'm interested in asymmetric crypto with public keys provided by DNS as
an alternative to CBV's for an SES implementation, I am curious as to how
secure the signature would be if the public key was reduced in size to fit
in a 128-byte DNS packet.  Does DNS support UTF-7 or binary data for any
RR's to reduce the byte count?

GM> Defore we go reinventing the wheel here, let's remember that DNS already
GM> supports KEY records.  You can see one (not currently used for anything,
GM> but perhaps soon) by doing a "dig mailhost.m5p.com key" (or your local
GM> equivalent).                                            -- George Mitchell

I assume the leading 512 is the key strength, and the remaining 420 odd
characters make up the key data, so I'd assume a 1024bit key would use
840 or so instead?  Where's the cryptographers out there - I recall
there were several reasons why you can't just go supplying chunks of
RSA input, and also other stuff about the necessity of self-signing
etc, and here's an apparent example of someone picking a minimal
strength key yet still using up a load of bits to represent it.

Disclaimer: I'm against "domainkeys" because in it's current form
it's discriminating against me, and I think it's never going to see
the light of day: it's too expensive $, too costly (CPU), way too
technical, ignores legal-crypto-restrictions entirely, starts-end-ends
mid-stream making it mostly pointless, doesn't work on email addresses
(only domains) and requires extraordinary upheaval to infrastructure
to support.  SPF *already* works better, already exists, and is easy.
IMHO Nobody besides yahoo themselves is going to support domainkeys as
yet-another-SPF-alternative in the light of all this.

*********.com.       86319   IN      KEY     512 3 3 
B7oPpvtAKrv4GEvRo7vzWHQ/irp5WkmSeMUe1JzqNKD5UjanDhMUGugX j3vvGKdQbUHVwevC4CJh

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