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Re: CallerId/SPF and MS License

2004-06-25 10:35:48
In <200406251010(_dot_)AA45940908(_at_)specialmarkets(_dot_)com> "ralph " 
<ralph(_at_)specialmarkets(_dot_)com> writes:

Since SPF/CallerID is merging, how will the MS License affect
things. Currently, to implment callerid from MS you need a
license. Why?!?

If I understand correctly, the reason for the license is because the
MS lawyers want to protect MS from abusive patent claims.

A while back, Meng mentioned that this issue would be worked on some
by MS.  It is very important to me for the license is GPL compatible
since there are important MTAs that GPLed.

Meng:  Do you know the status of this?


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