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RE: More stats

2004-08-04 20:36:21
On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 09:10, Andriy G. Tereshchenko wrote:
Yup, about 21k .ch domains (my script is still running. we're at
letter "s"
right now).
And .ca domains.  :)

I've already did this against .ua domains ;o) 

Opened: 2004-07-29 18:46 

I've a dictionary with 173529 words for <anyword>.24.odessa.ua
If somebody will outperform me in this - it's trivial to make
<anyword>.<anyword>.24.odessa.ua and 173529*173529  = 30112313841 domains in
.ua zone.

Black-magic spells are easy. 

I acknowledge this and I will fix it.  I would stress that no one
actually privately notified me of this problem and instead this
information was made publicly available, and should some troll choose to
abuse this bug, this only hurts SPF.  In future it would be appreciated
if private communication relating to such a bug would be carried out. 
Regardless of this, thank you for bringing it to my attention.



James Couzens,
                                                     ( ( (      
      ((__))         __lib__        __SPF__        '. ___ .'    
       (00)           (o o)          (0~0)        '  (> <) '    

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