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Re: MARID sessions - do spammers care about BW?

2004-08-07 05:17:59
On Sat, 2004-08-07 at 05:08, James Couzens wrote:
I'm still listening at the moment but I found Jim Lyon's answer relating
to 'possible optimizations' somewhat odd.  I'm curious how many people
here would agree with it.

Jim states that 'a spammer does not wish to waste his bandwidth anymore
than you do' and effectively implies that spammers would care about
SUBMITTER and thus in its presence they would avoid further attempted
delivery or something of this nature.

Ooooo VERY interesting point!

David Hankems? just made an exceptional point relating to this issue:
'the reality is that most spam producers are not state-full and have
probably written the entire message to the tcp socket already' and
further he brings up that 'particularly if you are using one of
microsoft's products the email is probably already in your received cue
and thus the data is already in your machine'.

He further raises that 'most spam messages are so small that they likely
fit within your default receive buffer' and that this is a 'processing
issue' and not a 'bandwidth issue'.

I've loosely quoted the above stated statements, they are not entirely

So what IS the point of rejecting a message at this state, if its
already in your machine?

I think this is a very important issue that everyone here should
consider because since all of us are already paying (through bw cost)
what benefit can PRE data rejection yield?  The only benefit is that you
can save CPU as far as I can see.  Anyone have anything to share here?


James Couzens,
                                                     ( ( (      
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Sender Policy Framework: http://spf.pobox.com/
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