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Re: MARID sessions - do spammers care about BW?

2004-08-07 14:11:52
On Sat, 2004-08-07 at 09:07, Graham Murray wrote:
James Couzens <jcouzens(_at_)6o4(_dot_)ca> writes:

David Hankems? just made an exceptional point relating to this issue:
'the reality is that most spam producers are not state-full and have
probably written the entire message to the tcp socket already' 

That could well change if enough MTAs start using features like the
'greet pause' in sendmail 8.13.x, where a connection is rejected if
the sender does not wait for the initial 220 'greeting'. If this
becomes more common then the spammers will be forced to using more
statefull systems.

Anything that can be done, can be undone.  Forcing spammers to be more
statefull does little more then slow down the transfer of email as far
as I can see.  Thats an interesting piece of information however.



James Couzens,
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