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Re: Fw: Received your email: [(spf-discuss) Fw: Received your email: (Re: (spf-discuss) Ope...]

2004-08-20 15:09:01
"Tim" == Tim Kennedy
"Re: Fw: Received your email: [(spf-discuss) Fw: Received your
   email: (Re: (spf-discuss) Ope...]" 
 Fri, 20 Aug 2004 15:38:00 -0400

    Tim> Hahaha.  Maybe if we all sign up for AccuSPAM, he'll stop
    Tim> spamming us, because the accuspam.com domain will be a spammy
    Tim> domain, and thus blackholed.

Another way to avoid his spam immediately might be to read the list
and post by way of gmane.mail.spam.spf.discuss (see
