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RE: Fw: Received your email: [(spf-discuss) Fw: Received your email: (Re: (spf-discuss) Ope...]

2004-08-20 23:24:40

Man... What if you were also using an auto responder?
Would the 2 auto responders talk to each other forever?

At least be smart enough to remember who has not responded, and don't give
them any more requests!  Else the emails will bounce forever!!!

Unlike many other auto-responding systems, AccuSpam always avoid looping, 
because in case you failed to take notice, the Reply-To: and From: address of 
the AccuSpam auto-response are both set to something like: 
"cnfm_*(_at_)accuspam(_dot_)com", and emails to *(_at_)accuspam(_dot_)com 
(except support(_at_)accuspam(_dot_)com) are never sent an auto-response.

Also, this it not being sent to accuspam, so don't harvest my email address
and send me any unsolicited email!  I think that would be illegal in the US.


AccuSpam NEVER sends unsolicited email (unless you consider a specific response 
to your specific email to be unsolicited)
