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Re: Moving forward

2004-10-01 11:02:22
In <e941453904100109286e4ed3ac(_at_)mail(_dot_)gmail(_dot_)com> "Anne P. 
Mitchell, Esq. <amitchell(_at_)isipp(_dot_)com>" 
<shedevil(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> writes:

Is there any reason that it can't be ready for submission at the end
of next week?

You mean besides the fact that both draft authors have explicitly said
that they do not want to standardize SPFv1?

Moving forward with drafts for SPFv1 will piss Microsoft off.  Meng
and Craig Spiezle of Microsoft are going to be discussing SPFv2 at the
next ISPCon next month.  Both Meng and folks from MS have stated that
"we" are working together and moving forward with SenderID, including
the PRA.


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