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SPF Setup

2004-10-04 19:04:26

Yes I'm combining SPF results (Pass, Neutral, Soft Fail, Fail, None) for each and every email received.... I'm planning to use bayesian unfortunately, I still don't have sufficient number of spams to feed it for learning :(

Anyway thanks for idea.


Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

On Sat, 2 Oct 2004, Anthony Ching wrote:

stage. Anyway, I'm just using SPF lookup to add up "Spam" or "Ham" points.

You'll find that spammers are big early adopters of SPF.  You shouldn't
assign positive points just because the sender has a SPF record.
Ideally, you should combine SPF result (SOFTFAIL,NEUTRAL,PASS,UNKNOWN -
presumably you've rejected FAIL) with sending domain to form a token,
and keep stats on percentage of spam for that token.  A bayesian system
will do this automatically if you feed it the token.

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