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Re: Re: When did we lose control?

2004-10-17 21:32:05
- Sorry all: Sometimes a spec writer has to make a judgment call and 
the answer may not be popular.

Just having a published spec is a start.  Having two is probably 

SPF is at a crisis.  This group is out of control, and not because I 
wrote a draft.  This group has no leadership, no direction, and almost 
no practical output.  This group is rapidly making itself useless.

No, I disagree.  There are some issues to be discussed and 
individuals don't agree. Nothing wrong with that.  But, sometimes 
people lose sight of what has been accomplished to date.

It is time to make a decision between specs and freeze version1.

The first major mistake is that we have no practical product.  SPF as a 
spec is still full of problems:  It hasn't answered the issue of 
forwarders, needing SRS, or a practical way for receivers to whitelist, 
or some other solution.

And all of that has to do with some fundamental problems with 
SMTP.  Not all of them can be fixed.  Some can be worked around. 
(<goodidea>Authenticate the sender.</goodidea>)  SPF is _NOT_ 
going to fix them all.  All it does is pass on reputation.

But, by rejecting Meng as leader, we have 
jeopardized the whole project.

Somebody should ask Meng if he wants to be the leader.  I certainly 
respect his ability as an advisor.

It is time to drop the whole discussion of MS.

How do you spell "fud"?

Let's get on with it.-- 
Alan Madill - Aspen House Systems
250 567-4200