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Re: Re: Re: Redirected Trace header draft

2004-11-08 12:10:55

On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 06:51:08PM -0800,
 william(at)elan.net <william(_at_)elan(_dot_)net> wrote 
 a message of 311 lines which said:

so policy on WHOIS belongs with ICANN

Certainly not. Policy on whois in the ".fr" domain (hthe whois server
is whois.nic.fr) depends on AFNIC, the ".fr" registry and certainly
not on a californian corporation.

For TLDs that are supported by ICANN (.com/.net/.org/.biz/.info etc) the 
policy issues for whois are something for ICANN to  deal with. For CCtld 
its obviously the country itself that should decide the policies which 
apply to domains for that country and the country's telecommunication body 
may deligate this to non-profit organization (like case of France to FRNIC).

But the point is that policy issues are not for IETF which is technical 
body deciding on technical issues with protocol itself.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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