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Re: MAAWG Whitepaper released Nov 18

2004-11-19 05:45:21
On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 19:43 -0500, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

The document will continue to evolve over the next few
weeks, so comments and suggestions are welcome.  When you
write, please indicate what date is on the document, in the
same way bug reports say what version of software you're


It's best read on paper, so print it.  And please feel free
to hand it out to any sysadmins you know.

I'm with Frank on this one, can you please re-publish this paper in the
oldest version of Adobe possible.  I'm running a fairly up to date linux
workstation where I have just currently tried to read this document.
GNU PDF viewer shows blank, Adobe Acrobat Reader promptly shits its self
pleasantly with a SEGV.

Unless there are some features in there that prevent you from doing so I
would strongly urge that you publish PDF papers in the oldest possible
PDF document version.

Thanks in advance,



James Couzens,
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