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Re: Re: the state of the web site updates and some discussion

2005-03-02 10:45:01
Frank Ellermann wrote:
Julian Mehnle wrote:

Currently, there is no "better" website than

If what you really want is <URL:http://spf.pobox.com/why.html>
then <URL:http://purl.net/net/spf> is arguably "better".  It
would be really better if one of you Coucil guys could sign-up
at http://purl.net and send me the loginid.  I'd then add it
as "maintainer" for this PURL.

Applications could then hardwire this PURL in their code, and
if the pobox-URL changes, the PURL could reflect this change
without changing the application.  That's one of the ideas of
"persistent URLs" in a nutshell.

I like the idea of a persistent URL as well, but I would suggest we first ask Meng if he's willing to delegate the spf.pobox.com to the SPF council.


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