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Re: DNS Loading Comparison

2005-04-14 05:51:40

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Finch" <dot(_at_)dotat(_dot_)at>
Newsgroups: spf.-.sender.policy.framework.discussion
To: <spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com>
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [spf-discuss] DNS Loading Comparison

I'm talking about implementations barriers.

How about ESMTP AUTH state machine conversation issues?


If you mean that, then you don't even know CSV!

How about 80% of all transactions being spoofed or NXDOMAIN at the
How about 50-65% of all transactions being having invalid forwarding

Not within CSV's scope.

That explains why CSV is not within anyone's scope neither! :-)

Gosh, why do you and Dave put CSV even in the same category of SPF?  No one
uses CSV.  It has no following, so why do you even talk like its in the same
league, as if its a STANDARD already, when its not even close to being a fly
in soup?   Because Dave wrote it?  Well,  the more I hang out around the
IETF, the less impress I am with his single minded - out of touched
documents. Sorry Dave.

Hector Santos, CTO
Santronics Software, Inc.
http://www.winserver.com/wcsap (Wildcat! Sender Authentication Protocol)
http://www.winserver.com/spamstats  (WcSAP Anti-Spam Stats)

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