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RE: For SPF council review: Syntax error = Perm error = Message should be rejected?

2005-05-02 11:40:38

On Mon, 2 May 2005, Scott Kitterman wrote:

Since the purpose of the current spec we are reviewing is to codify what has
been deployed as SPF classic, this spec ought to be consistent with all the
pre-MARID specs.

The purpose is probably to codify behavior that is used in majority of
current SPF implementations. If majority are not considering that syntax
error in record should result perm error, then the spf-classic draft should be changed as you suggest.

Perhaps what would be helpful is to create matrix of all known spf implementations (perhaps not every one but at least those whose developers are on this list) and then compare as far as how they implement some

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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