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Re: Open letter to the SPF Council

2005-05-06 09:24:29
In <NGBBLEIJOEEEBMEIAPBKOELFIAAA(_dot_)scott(_at_)kitterman(_dot_)com> Scott 
Kitterman <spf2(_at_)kitterman(_dot_)com> writes:

For those of us who aren't on the #spf IRC channel, do you think you might
post #spf to a mailing list like you do for the council channel?

This has been discussed before, and I think it is probably not a good
idea.  IRC channels tend to be far less formal and we tend to get off
topic and discuss everything from the CBL to Julian's thesis.  Rarely
is important stuff mentioned there that isn't also mentioned here.
The early mentions of the -01preXX drafts is probably the biggest


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