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Re: Re: HELO versus MAILFROM results

2005-05-07 06:44:04
Hector Santos wrote:
There are really several reasons why I oppose HELO checking with
SPF. Here they are, in order of importance, as I perceive it:

1. Checking HELO is unreliable, and may cause more mail bounced.

Nonsense.  What this suggest that ALL mail is deliverable.  It is complete
nonsense.  It there is a problem with a system, most, if not all, prudent
operations will quickly resolve the problem by correcting their system.
Most legitimate systems are NOT going to run a non-compliant server.

Please stop with the rtherotic.

Hector, I lost you here.

You're "proving" my thesis wrong by proclaiming your own theories as
correct. We will never make progress like this. You need to use PROOF to
show a theory wrong, unless very obvious it's wrong.

Of all, you are probably one of the most suited people here to come up
with RESEARCH to prove a theory wrong, given your position at
Santronics, which I understand develops mail software.

If I had log files that contained a meaningful sample size and (IP,
HELO, MAIL FROM, SPAM decision) information, I believe I could prove all
my points, but I do not have such log files.

So until you can counter my claims with some proof, I have no other sane
choice but to ignore your comments.

By the way, I see millions of dollars wasted every day on development
without research, and subsequent redeveloplement and beating a product
until it takes a shape that eventually becomes reasonable. So it is not
only possible, but I have encountered a verified case where spending
"thousands of dollars on R&D" does not mean the people doing the work
know what they're doing. I am talking of a product that you make
extensive use of, and on which you spend hundreds of dollars every year,
but I can't say what it is, because that job pays me a salary.
