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Re: MAY vs. SHOULD reject different answers

2005-05-09 05:06:00
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Frank Ellermann wrote:
Julian Mehnle wrote:
Just send off two queries in two UDP packets

Yes, I know how to do this, but I've never worked with any resolver API,
so I didn't know that it might have something like a non-blocking mode.
Out of curiosity, how do you get the corresponding results in this case ?

I don't know whether any existing resolver library supports this, but it 
should be pretty simple to write your own special-case DNS resolver should 
that be necessary.  I once did that.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say in the rest of your message.
Perhaps it's due to me being tired. 

There was no rest below this "diplomatic" issue, what are you talking
about, the "quixotic quest" thread in mxcomp about STD 10 source routes
with John Levine ?  What was unclear ? 

These are the parts I did not understand:

Frank Ellermann wrote:
| Wayne already said that he would use the "SHOULD is not MUST" exit from
| this timeout dilemma.  I'd also use it in a simple implementation ([...])
| "Forget it if you don't like it" is not my idea of a SHOULD, otherwise
| I'd press very hard for a SHALL NOT instead of the NOT RECOMMENDED in the
| subject.  IMHO a SHOULD is no nonsense. 
| If it means something I don't see - like "you really ought to have a SPF
| cache layer" - then let's say so in the SPF spec. 
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