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Re: Identity codes, plus a new %{x} macro

2005-05-27 06:31:04
"william" == william elan net
"Re: Identity codes, plus a new %{x} macro"
 Thu, 26 May 2005 21:10:51 -0700 (PDT)

    william> On Thu, 26 May 2005, Julian Mehnle wrote:
    >> I think it would be useful to have standardized codes for
    >> identity scopes (such as "helo", "mfrom", etc.)

    william> BTW - for identity names, the following is what I have so
    william> far (and the names are used in the draft paper), please
    william> reply if you think some name is wrong and propose an
    william> alternative:

    william> mfrom  - RFC2821 MAIL FROM
    william> helo   - RFC2821 HELO/EHLO smtp client system name
    william> submit - RFC2821 MAIL SUBMITTER used on its own
    william> pra    - MS-SID PRA algorithm address (Resent-Sender, if
    william>          not present then Resent-From, if not present
    william>          then Sender, if not present then From) it also
    william>          requires SUBMITTER to be equivalent to PRA
    william> sender - RFC2822 Sender Header Field (if Sender is not
    william>          present then "From") 
    william> from   - RFC2822 From Header Field on its own (if
    william>          multiple addreses then first one)
    william> ptr    - DNS name for PTR pointer for SMTP Client IP address

And if there is more than one ptr?

How about client IP (not necessarilly the same as any other)?

How about IP for DNS host in helo?
