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Re: What to do about the SPF domain name

2005-07-28 11:23:42
I think keeping "open" somewhere in the domain name is important. Other then that don't care.


wayne wrote:

Hi everyone.

It has been a month now since the vote for the SPF domain name ended.
The clear winner was openspf, and I think most people assumed that
this meant openspf.org.

Unfortunately, I have so far been unable to get the transfer of the
openspf.org domain name started.  I have emailed James Couzens about a
half dozen times since then.  I have received two emails in return,
but none since the July 11th.

What do people think about either using something like openspf.info
instead of openspf.org and hope that openspf.org never falls into the
wrong hands?

What do people think about skipping the openspf domain names and going
with the second place finisher, spf-classic.org?


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Terry Fielder
Associate Director Software Development and Deployment
Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes
Fax: (416) 441-9085