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2005-08-16 13:27:14
Tony Finch wrote:

CRAM-MD5 is susceptible to a passive offline dictionary
attack, i.e. you can listen to a CRAM-MD5 exchange and get
enough data to verify a correctly guessed password without
actively asking the server.


Thanks, I didn't know that expired draft, now added to my
"collection".  Was that the reason why Sam was so mad about
draft-hutzler-spamops ?

I also didn't know the term "offline dictionary attack", but
it's straight forward, if you can limit your guesses somehow
- the list of guesses is the dictionary - then you can check
it against an observed successful CRAM-MD5 or similar login.

The IF is important, my shortest password is [none of your
business, but short <beg>] and no "word" in any dictionary.

Let's say I feel rather safe on this vector.  The weakest
point in my defense is that I use the same passwords at
different places.


That's the I18N (SASLprep) variant of RfC 2195.  See also:

                     Thanks and bye, Frank

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