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RE: Re: SPF Filter Questions

2005-08-19 06:08:32
I'm not in favor of MS SenderID reusing SPF records.  I signed the statement
to that effect too.  What are we supposed to do with SID and PRA?  There is
no good answer.  In 95% of cases whatever advice we give for SPF will work
out OK for SID too. What do we, as a community, want to do with the 5%?

Personally, I'm not going to work very hard on figuring out PRA unless
someone is paying my consulting rates to get my attention.  I just do my
best to ignore it because I don't think it's going to catch on.  I do think
though that if I give advice that I know will work for SPF, but fail for PRA
I ought to at least warn them and tell them how to deal with it.  I don't
think it's fair not to warn people.

There's no mystery any more about is MS going to hijack SPF records.  I
really think that the appeal needs to be filed and we need to be on record
opposing what they are doing.  I also don't think that any appeal or
argument we make is going to get them to stop.  I think it's unfair of us
not to warn people when we can.

I expect this will be controversial.  Before anyone flames me in response
please note that nowhere in here have I in any way praised SID.

Scott K

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