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Re: [spf-discuss] Exclusive v. Open SPF records

2005-09-04 00:35:31
On Sat, Sep 03, 2005 at 04:58:26PM -0700, Gaven Henderson wrote:
So, can somebody explain to me the functional difference between neutral and

Neutral:  act as if the SPF record wasn't present.  We make no statement
          at all about the connecting host.

Softfail: do not yet reject this mail. We're almost sure we got it right
          but people do make mistakes.  The connecting host will be one
          to reject once we changed our record into hardfail, or maybe
          we need to move this host to the other side.

Some valid policies:

"v=spf1 ?all" :   We've heard about SPF. We explicitly announce we won't
                  take part in it.

"v=spf1 ~all" :   We're almost sure this domain isn't used for email. However,
                  it could be that we overlooked something.  Please do not
                  reject and please do let us know.

"v=spf1 -all" :   We're absolutely sure this domain isn't used for email.
                  Please do not accept this message or at least do not bother
                  us with bounces, out-of-office messages, virusscanner crap
                  and any other spam you are emitting yourself.

"v=spf1 +all" :   Either we're stupid or we do spam.

AOL-kind of policies:

"v=spf1 ip4:..../24 ip4:../16 ?all"   We know for sure mail coming from the
                  announced address blocks is good.  We cannot say anything
                  about other mail as we allow our users to use their email
                  address from any computer in the world.

"v=spf1 -ptr:... -ptr:... +ip4:.../24 ?all"   Mail can come from anywhere
                  except from the blackholed addresses.  We vouch for mail
                  from our netblock.

Large corporate policy:

"v=spf1 a:mailout.emea.example.com
                  We deliver mail from three mailhosts and we allow our
                  advertisement buro to use our name.  All others are not


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