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[spf-discuss] Re: Outcome of the IESG appeals

2005-12-08 13:08:52
Julian Mehnle wrote:

I do have an idea about what to do next, but I do not want to
publicly disclose the idea before we've got ye old experimental
RFC, so I'll just post it to the private council mailing list
for now.

If you want to stop the PRA abuse you can't wait for SPF's RFC
number, it would get its number at the same time as PRA.  The
time for an IAB appeal is IMHO now (2005), not later, published
RFCs never change.

The best we can achieve _after_ the publication of PRA as some
kind of unethical "experiment" are I-Ds to update or obsolete
PRA.  Or an I-D moving it from "experimental" to "historic".

                          Bye, Frank

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