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Re: [spf-discuss] Outcome of the IESG appeals

2005-12-08 08:34:02

On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, wayne wrote:

But, I want to be clear, I don't think this note hurts us
significantly.  It is really quite minor.  I just don't think we had a
net gain from it.

I happen to agree with you about the note making it appear that opt-out
is ok which is bad. However I generally think we gained and not lost due
to appeals. For one thing it is quite clear that the notes are really
against SenderID even if IESG is trying to be neutral.

The notes if you read them fully will basically say that MARID worked on
two similar possible ways to solve the problem. There was no consensus
and both are going for additional experimentation and implementors can
choose either one or both and IESG will not recommend which one to use
but it thereafter notes that in case one does try to experiment with SID they would subject themselves to possibility of additional errors and incompatibilities with pure SPF. Additionally it notes that SID algorithm is also known to be incompatible with existing standards and as is can
never become a full standard.

One does not need to be a genius to choose superior product after all
that, so this gives pretty good hand at marketing SPF as being a lot better then SID. However I'm afraid SPF community [considering Meng's support for SID] may not be able to take advantage of this opportunity documented and confirmed by IETF.

Besides that going against MS in marketing even if you have superior product is still extremely hard. In fact almost every MS product I know
is worth technically then one or two competitors and usually less secure
and often enough more expensive and runs on less systems - but they still win most of these cases as MS is not company that was setup to win the market with technically best products - from the start their strategy
was to out-market everyone else out by all possible means.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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