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[spf-discuss] Re: Last changes to draft-schlitt-spf-classic

2006-01-12 18:39:33
Julian Mehnle wrote:

Nor me, it was just instinct that I thought "it should not
be the receiver's problem if the sender somehow screws up."
Are you by implication arguing against PermError now?

No, PermError is a similar issue, sender screwed up, receiver
found the problem, and says "599 broken SPF, fix it, TTYL".

In the case of TXT != SPF the receiver would unnecessarily
look for trouble, that's a difference from syntax errors or
"typos" (only the sender knows this) in include / redirect=.

It's still okay to evaluate left to right as far as you get,
error or match.
                            Bye, Frank

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