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[spf-discuss] Re: More rambling about scopes

2006-01-12 20:32:58
william(at)elan.net wrote:

New macro means new record version to support it and means
new dns lookup.

ACK, but IIRC it was already clear at that time that Meng's
"v=marid" would be incompatible with "v=spf1".  He proposed
the scope macro, or maybe it was originally Greg's idea (?)

Others discussed various scope ideas, your plan was a way
to add or remove scopes (with +/- scope).  That got rather
long for non-trivial cases, in relation to "positional".

For the "positional modifier before or behind directive"
decision I vaguely recall that it was a matter of taste.
I had both the ones with scope being explicitly defined
by positional modifier and the ones with scopes being
added and deleted by such modifier.

It's the latter that I thought of, because I tried to play
with it.  Maybe the only "bug" was that it was longer for
non-trtivial cases than the positional solution - I could
find the article with my old "test" results if necessary.

SPF1 defines all modifiers as non-positional.

Yes, at this time Mark proposed global / positional and
unique / multiple (= can occur more than once).  

More importantly as soon as you reach -all the rest
would be ignored so one just needs to be careful

Ignoring all modifiers behind -all murders at least one
MUST or MUST NOT...  Good riddance if it was an exp= ;-)

But it's no conforming implementation if it does this,
and a good test case for the test suite.

I also had separate proposal later to bring scoping to
spf1 by means of non-positional modifier

Yes, now that was really complex.  I never "completely"
understood it.  But it was apparently compatible in some
way, no PermError with implementations that have no idea
what it's about.  That was much later, long after MARID.

To a certain degree an emulation of Greg's scope-macro
idea and of spf2.0 scopes with pure v=spf1 constructs.

                          Bye, Frank

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