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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Fwd: Blackmail?

2006-06-17 06:43:55
On Saturday 17 June 2006 09:34, John A. Martin wrote:
"Julian" == Julian Mehnle
"Fwd: Blackmail?"
 Sat, 17 Jun 2006 10:14:17 +0000

    Julian> What's wrong with this picture?

I have restrained myself from criticizing the silly looking SPF web
pages since they first appeared.  It is a matter of personal taste,
but now that you ask...

The guy in the red shirt looks like a drip.

From the Why page, click on _Services_ see _Consulting_.  This looks
for all the world like someone trying to sell something.  Seven
highfalutin bullets with nothing of substance on the site that can be
easily seen to be related to them.  "has partnered with many leading
providers of consulting services" is pure commercial business speak!

IMHO it is not surprising that the complainant apparently did not
click on _Contact Us_ (leading to <http://new.openspf.org/Contact>
which is OK), or if they did, the preceding was more than enough for
them to be entirely put off by what could easily be taken as a hustle.

Was it no coincidence that the "Red Shirt" web pages appeared around
the time that leading SPF folk were trying to get in bed with
Microsoft or acquiescing to those that were?

I, for one, have avoided referring folks to the SPF website and will
continue ot do so until the "Red Shirt" pages disappear.  I find them
an embarrassment.  I'm sorry I am not in a position to offer to help
to make improvements.

If the services link on the why page pointed here (and perhaps we change the 
link title to support from services):


Would that resolve your concern?

Scott K

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