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[spf-discuss] mailing lists subscribed to spf-discuss?!?

2006-07-18 17:32:41
Uh, I'm getting bounce messages like the following when I send a message
to the list...
        Lyris ListManager
        re: your email message
        The following lines in your email message did not appear to be
        Lyris ListManager commands and were skipped:

        From: owner-xsi(_at_)Softimage(_dot_)COM
        BOUNCE xsi(_at_)Softimage(_dot_)COM:
        Non-member submission from
        [Andy Bakun

Can someone take care of this and unsubscribe these addresses, which are
obviously other mailing lists?  I only ever sent both of my recent
messages to spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com (sorry I had to post 
this, I
don't see a quick way to send a message to list owners on listbox).

Andy Bakun <spf2(_at_)leave-it-to-grace(_dot_)com>

Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org/
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