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[spf-discuss] Re: "authorized" == "not forged"?

2006-09-20 05:24:13
Julian Mehnle wrote:
The description of "op=auth" fails to make an explicit
point of the difference between v=spf1 Pass's authorization
semantics and the additionally offered authentication
semantics.  In fact, it doesn't even mention the word
"authenticity" once.  I think it should.

Okay, I've to look up the RFC number of the security glossary
again - I forgot it after we didn't add it to 4408,  Reality
check:  Does "authorized and cross-user forgery impossible"
really imply "authenticated" ?  If yes I could simply add to
the text [...] "in other words authenticated and authorized"
(or similar).  These auth*-words still tend to confuse me :-(


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