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Re: [spf-discuss] Sender ID's PRA wouldn't be such a bad idea if... (was: MS Puts SID Patents Under OSP)

2006-11-03 09:33:32
On Fri, Nov 03, 2006 at 10:05:15AM -0500, Jeff Macdonald wrote:

Microsoft lookst at "Reply-To: username(_at_)example(_dot_)com", uses the
SPF record (WHICH IS NOT A PRA RECORD), and matches the sending
host (vodafone) against the record.  This results in FAIL. 

Last I knew, Reply-To wasn't a header that PRA would use, so I'm having
trouble following your example.

Correct, I should have cut-and-pasted From.

Every once in a while I have to show I'm human, by making some error.

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