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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Sender ID's PRA wouldn't be such a bad idea if...

2006-11-04 09:06:48
On Saturday 04 November 2006 06:19, Julian Mehnle wrote:
Scott Kitterman wrote:
[...] some reject neutral and neutral gets a significant negative score
in spamassassin.

Huh, so they're violating RFC 4408, 2.5.2??  Or are they down-scoring
"none", too?

Yes what they are doing is inconsistent with RFC 4408.  This was discussed 
pretty extensively here when Arjen de Korte submitted the patch.  

As was pointed out at the time, they are in the spam filtering business, not 
the RFC compliance business.  This would be much less problematic if it were 
scored per domain rather than globally.  Perhaps someone who is a good PERL 
hacker that is just finishing up a big project and maybe has a little free 
time could work on something like that.

Scott K

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