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Re: [spf-discuss] Fixing Forwarding with RPF

2006-11-12 15:25:58
--On Sonntag, November 12, 2006 22:30:48 +0100 Alex van den Bogaerdt <alex(_at_)ergens(_dot_)op(_dot_)het(_dot_)net> wrote:

On Sun, Nov 12, 2006 at 08:01:56PM +0100, Ralf Doeblitz wrote:

I don't think this would be the best solution. The exist mechanism
combined with macro expansion can almost do the job.

Sender:       A
Forwarder:    B
Forwarded-to: C

The problem:
 A publishes an SPF record, authorizing only host A
 B uses "MAIL FROM:<user(_at_)A>"
 C tries to match host B in the SPF record of A.

How does your proposal work?

C uses a local whitelist prepended to the SPF record of A and can integrate the whitelist specified by its own user. The extensions are only necessary if you need to differenciate between multiple domains and/or serves on the receiving end, otherwise the existing macro mechanism is sufficient.

Ralf Döblitz

Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org/
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