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[spf-discuss] Re: Fixing Forwarding with RPF

2006-11-14 13:08:56
K.J. Petrie wrote:

SPF is a voluntary standard, but in this area it is formulated in a way
which would only make sense for a compulsory standard.

Not exactly, I've no serious problem if you use a "traditional forwarder"
before a FAIL rejecting next hop.  Of course my mail to you would FAIL.
Hopefully it's rejected.  The forwarder accepted it before, therefore it
is then obliged to send a non-delivery report to me - ideally with the
complete error reply it got from the next hop.

That non-delivery report would typically indicate your address at the
next hop, and I can resend my mail directly to your real address.  That
is an almost perfect emulation of SMTP error 551 "user not local" from
my POV, and exactly what I want, otherwise it would be stupid to publish
a FAIL policy.

SPF is a voluntary standard. It therefore needs to be designed to work
when it is adopted in a piecemeal manner at various times by various

The one pseudo-551 I got in now over 30 months worked from my POV.  And
others here reported similar cases, it's very rare but works as expected.

Or actually I got three, but the other two were manually forged by well-
meaning but misguided folks, unrelated to any forwarding side-effect.

The problem here is that SPF is trying to place responsibility on
someone who is under no obligation to accept its authority. That's
just not a way to design a voluntary standard.

It's an emulation of the original RFC 821 intention for this scenario:

1 - Forwarders can behave like a mailing list (rewrite the MAIL FROM to
    one of their addresses while they rewrite the RCPT TO) => no problem.

2 - They can refuse to forward mails to third parties if that causes
    too much trouble for them (rejected by next hop etc.), that's the
    concept of "551 user not local", indicating the new address to use.

3 - They can accept the mail for forwarding and _full_ responsibility.
    This IS mandatory, it's not a part of SPF, it's STD 10 (RFC 821),

    In that case they might use "251 user not local" to encourage the
    sender to update the address.  And in the original SMTP they must
    modify the MAIL FROM adding their own name to the reverse path.

    If anything goes wrong later RFC 821 NDRs would use this reverse
    path, hitting the 251 forwarder.  Only this 251-forwarder knows
    why they accepted that mail for forwarding.  It's alone their
    responsibility, nobody forced them to 251-accept instead of 551-

So far SMTP could work as designed.  But then they decided to deprecate
source routing, because it was cumbersome, and in the forward direction
not worth the trouble, the MX is a far better concept than the obsolete
routing stuff (SMTP routes, or the similar bang paths in UUCP).

BUT while they deprecated forward paths they also deprecated reverse
paths.  That was a huge mistake, because now "forwarders" could accept
all mails without taking the responsibility for later NDRs, the NDRs
were directly sent to the MX of the MAIL FROM.  Not back on the reverse
path.  In esssence that meant forwarders could forward any MAIL FROM as
it pleased them without fearing the consequences (of NDRs queuing up in
their outbound because the reverse path was wrong).

There was no more incentive to carefully distinguish between 551 and 251.

And it apparently continued to work, after all forwarding scenarios were
still rare, and it makes no sense to send mail via A to B, if you could
also send it directly to B, one point of failure (forwarder A) less.

But the situation deteriorated, folks began to use any MAIL FROM they
liked best, send via S, their favourite smart host, and receive error
messages at P, their foavourite POP-provider, no matter if S == P or
not, just say MAIL FROM P actually submitting mail at S != P.

And it got worse, the spammers detected that they can use just any
MAIL FROM, it only needs to exist for "call back" tests.  And we got a
huge flood of forged MAIL FROMs, only because of a serious design flaw
in RFC 1123 - 2821 (not 821), the most expensive error in a protocol
design I've ever heard of.

SPF merely fixes it back to an emulation of the original 821-SMTP, as
you said on a voluntary basis.  Nobody is forced to implement it, or
to publish FAIL.

But those who publish FAIL know why they do that.  And they want that
forwaders again take the responsibilty for their actions, or take the
simple 551-emulation exit, nothing is wrong if the next hop rejects
an unmodified MAIL FROM, quite the contrary, that's very good.  The
senders publishing FAIL want it that way.

You as receiver might have other priorities, but that's an "R" issue,
not an "S" issue.

I am also unconvinced by the thesis that changing nothing is forgery.

It is wrt RC 821, relays were supposed to modify the MAIL FROM, either
by adding their name to the reverse path, or as it still is in the case
of mailing lists and gateways, modifying it completely.  "Unmodified
MAIL FROM" doesn't work, as demonstrated by now 10% of all mail traffic
only consisting of "misdirected bounces" (to forged MAIL FROMs) hitting
innocent bystanders.

Please explain what the problems are with my modified proposal.

It doesn't work as expected as soon as you do something very harmless
like start an auto-responder (see RFC 3834).  It's fine that you accept
responsibility for your "SPF-disabling-RPF", but as soon as you have
disabled SPF you get those forged MAIL FROMs on the routes where you
disabled it, and your RFC 3834 auto-replies hit innocent bystanders.


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