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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF TXT Questions re Effectiveness

2006-11-20 10:59:50
Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:

Saddly they still have not moved on from my domain.  I currently get
between 15,000 and 25,000 email per day.  But with SPF and spamassassin I
only see about 2-15 emails per day in my inbox.  It took a really long
time to get it this clean.  I still have to go through my probably-spam
folder ever day.  It gets about 300-1000 email per day.  about 10 % of
them are false positives.  I then send them to my /tmp/nospam and they get

10% FP by SA? Are you sure you've got SA configured correctly. That FP rate is insane.


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