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RE: [spf-discuss] SPF TXT Questions re Effectiveness

2006-11-22 14:17:18
Stuart D. Gathman wrote on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:38 AM -0500:

BTW, another important reason for recognizing lame "DSN"s, is that
they are often sent in response to a CBV.  I use SRS to store the
original sender in various header fields, one or more of which are
usually spit back in the lame "DSN".  I can then blacklist the
original sender.  I.e., the  recipient didn't really exist in the

I'm trying to understand when this happens.  Who does the CBV and for
what address?  The MTA that receives the CBV sends a DSN even though
you don't go on to DATA?  If so, there's no harm in rejecting it.

Seth Goodman

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