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RE: [spf-discuss] Re: HARDPASS again

2006-12-02 19:33:15
Stuart D. Gathman <mailto:stuart(_at_)bmsi(_dot_)com> wrote on Saturday, 
02, 2006 7:36 PM -0600:

On Sat, 2 Dec 2006, Julian Mehnle wrote:

Look, the problem is that everytime this comes up, after a while I
get tired debating it, but it always comes up again later because I
just can't get this "Pass means I authorized the message, but don't
blame me for it!" concept into my head.  It doesn't make sense to
me.  Not. Make. Sense. To. Me. :-(

      A Modest Proposal: Intensifiers for SPF Results

We should introduce the '*' character as an "intensifier" to mean
"I really mean it".  So, for example, the policy:

"spf3.14 ip4: *-all"

I'm particularly intrigued about applying this to "?".  So

v=spf1 ip4: *?all

should indicate that you are more unsure of what you mean.

Seth Goodman

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