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Re: [spf-discuss] Misuse of Return Address

2006-12-06 14:47:05
On Wednesday 06 December 2006 16:36, David MacQuigg wrote:

We don't want to encourage misuse of the Return Address, but we have to
accept it because we cannot expect our clients to change their email
programs.  I would join with the leaders of the SPF community in
petitioning Eudora and perhaps others to change what appears to be a
simple, obvious problem, but I can't insist that our clients bear the
expense or inconvenience.  They will simply bow out.

I think Eudora has been an also ran in the MUA competition for many years now.  
Their recent announcement that future development would be as a customization 
of Thunderbird speaks volumes.  I don't think Eudora lacking a feature should 
drive your service configuration.  It's been years since I ran across an MUA 
with this particular shortcoming.

Scott K

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