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Re: [spf-discuss] Misuse of Return Address by MUA's

2006-12-07 07:54:09
On Thursday 07 December 2006 02:21, David MacQuigg wrote:

Another problem is that programs like Thunderbird make it difficult to have
more than one SMTP server.  At least it looks that way to me, not yet
familiar with Thunderbird.  Outlook Express and Eudora allow you to have a
different SMTP server for each account.

For a reasonably recent version of Thunderbird, I don't think this is true.  
It's a little different approach than other programs use, but not 
inherently 'difficult'.

Maybe we can tell our Eudora clients (and any others with the "Eudora"
problem), set the SMTP server for your box67 account to
controlledmail.com.  Then we just need one authorized forwarder instead of
dozens changing every day.

I certainly wouldn't mind if you did that ;-).

Scott K

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