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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: The upcoming news announcement

2006-12-13 05:53:36
On Wednesday 13 December 2006 07:28, John A. Martin wrote:

It might be well to be more discrete in the choice of address used at
the bottom of <http://www.openspf.org/Best_Practices/Webgenerated>.

Some humorless three letter agency may not appreciate the given
example.  example.{com,net,org} are IANA reserved for this purpose.

That example has been that way for several years (it was copied verbatim from 
the old site):


I tried doing that page with example.{com,net,org} and it was impossible to 
follow.  What we have is based on feedback from SPF neophytes who had trouble 
understanding the page when it was all example.*.

Scott K

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