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[spf-discuss] Re: The upcoming news announcement

2006-12-13 07:25:49
"Scott" == Scott Kitterman
"Re: Re: The upcoming news announcement"
 Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:32:30 -0500

    Scott> If someone else thinks they've got a better idea, I'd
    Scott> suggest making a copy of that page in the community section
    Scott> and editing to your heart's content.  Once you've got
    Scott> something you think is good, let us know on the webmaster's
    Scott> list.

    Scott> BTW, the explanatory text currently on the page was written
    Scott> by someone who had been totally confused by the old page.
    Scott> I don't think that should be changed much as it's written
    Scott> for the target audience of the page.

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