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[spf-discuss] Re: The upcoming news announcement

2006-12-13 05:30:42
"Julian" == Julian Mehnle
"Re: The upcoming news announcement"
 Wed, 13 Dec 2006 01:43:23 +0000

    Julian> Julian Mehnle wrote:
    >> Julian Mehnle wrote:
    >> > We still need to make an official announcement covering the
    >> > website switch and other news items.  So far I have the
    >> > following collection: [...]
    >> Based on the input we receive within the next day or so, I'll
    >> prepare a draft announcement and send it here for review.
    >> If possible, I'd like to schedule a council meeting sometime
    >> this week, preferably not later than Wednesday.  Can you make
    >> it?

    Julian> OK, here is the draft:

    Julian>   http://www.openspf.org/News/Upcoming

    Julian> Instead of meeting on IRC, can we approve the announcement
    Julian> on the spf- council list?  Please send your comments,
    Julian> change requests, and approval to spf-council within the
    Julian> next 24 hours, so we can send it off to spf- announce.

It might be well to be more discrete in the choice of address used at
the bottom of <http://www.openspf.org/Best_Practices/Webgenerated>.

Some humorless three letter agency may not appreciate the given
example.  example.{com,net,org} are IANA reserved for this purpose.


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