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Re: [spf-discuss] The forwarder's perspective

2007-01-14 19:10:42
Michael Deutschmann writes:
If I were the forwarder, I would insist that this problem has *one
acceptable solution* -- the recipient must super-whitelist me, giving my
MTA the same rights as a backup MX.  Namely, the mail must go straight
through no matter how spammy it may look.

I am a forwarder, and this is orthogonal to what I want.  My client is
the intended recipient, and an acceptable solution must enable me to
forward mail to him/her without anyone else being involved or even
having to know the forwarding is happening.  This is the one thing
that makes SRS attractive.  It's something that *I* can do to get mail
to *my* clients, no matter how non-technical they may be and no matter
what mail service they use (unless it's one for which SRS doesn't

In case that hint about non-technical users doesn't make it clear, it
is important that even my client not have to know forwarding is
happening.  Non-technical users often know virtually nothing about how
mail winds up where their MUA can show it to them.  They not only
don't know, they don't want to have to know.  They view it as my job
to get their mail to them, and they pay me to view it that way too.

Dick St.Peters, stpeters(_at_)NetHeaven(_dot_)com 

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