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Re: [spf-discuss] The forwarder's perspective

2007-01-15 20:51:10
Michael Deutschmann writes:
On Sun, 14 Jan 2007, Dick St.Peters wrote:
In case that hint about non-technical users doesn't make it clear, it
is important that even my client not have to know forwarding is
happening.  Non-technical users often know virtually nothing about how
mail winds up where their MUA can show it to them.  They not only
don't know, they don't want to have to know.  They view it as my job
to get their mail to them, and they pay me to view it that way too.

So what do you do when your innocent client decides that some mailbox on
the inside of the forwarding chain has the most user-friendly "anti-spam
control panel", thus causing backscatter or training an IP-blacklist to
hate you?

As I posted to this list only a few days ago, this is one of my
problems.  (The inverse, my IP blacklist being trained to hate other
forwarders, is another problem I mentioned.)

To answer your question, I deal with each case individually.  I can do
this because mine is a very small service.  In some cases I simply
refuse to continue forwarding.  In others I manage technical solutions
with special-case sendmail rules.  In still others I silently cheat,
imposing my own strict anti-spam filtering before forwarding.

Also, note that not all forwarders are the same.  In cases such as yours,
you're getting paid, so you put the recipient's desires for simple
configuration first.  In many other cases, forwarding is offered as a
take-it-or-leave-it gift, and the forwarder's desire to avoid backscatter
will dominate.

Indeed, but it is not just forwarders that are not all the same.  One
of my longstanding issues with this list is the one-size-fits-all
approach of some of the contributors.

Note that my post you quote was explicitly about what matters to *me*
as a forwarder.  I already knew from your post that it differs from
what matters to you as a forwarder.

Dick St.Peters, stpeters(_at_)NetHeaven(_dot_)com 

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