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Re: [spf-discuss] Election issue: forwarding problem

2007-01-25 22:44:12
My view is that there is no one solution to the 'forwarding problem'.

We need a suite of solutions that meets different needs.  SRS is A solution, 
not THE solution.

Forwarder whitelisting is definitely needed.

I'm not sure that trusted-forwarder.org should ever go away.

SES/BATV/SRS-0 in combinations with exists may be a solution.

Personally I published a -all record understanding that forwarded messages may 
get rejected.  When it happens (two messages in 2 1/2 years) I just resend 

I agree that this is an area we need to work on.  One of the reasons I 
recently started a separate Postfix policy daemon for SPF (see 
http://www.openspf.org/Software - it's the Python one I'm talking about) is 
that I want a vehicle to prototype forwarder whitelisting.  I've got other 
stuff I need to do with it before I get to that, but that's one of the things 
on my list.

Scott K

Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org/
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