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Re: [spf-discuss] Perils of reputation

2007-02-09 07:39:16
On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 01:30:43PM -0700, David MacQuigg wrote:
Interesting problem!  The example is very helpful in defining the category 
of email we are talking about.  How about we call it "Solicited Commercial 
Email" or SCE, instead of "cageliner".

no problem here, but ...

This would include mail from 
charitable and political organizations asking for donations,


                                                             ads from 


           and stock tips that might be something your broker signed you up 
for, but you would like to see an authentication header to help you decide 
whether to un-subscribe or report it as spam.

Someone else signs me up without me asking?  Obviously not a properly
managed mailing list (confirmed opt-in).  Who says it was my broker signing
me up?

Also: SPAM!

If I leave my email address with somebody because they need to inform
me about delivery of my new computer, and they then use it so send me
ads for their new and improved car insurance product: SPAM!

All examples you mentioned, and the extra one I did, have one thing in
common:  they are UNsollicited.  I added the extra example to show that
knowing each other does not necessarily mean it is OK to send ads.


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