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Re: [spf-discuss] Perils of reputation

2007-02-09 09:24:54
On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:00:17AM -0600, Daniel Taylor wrote:

There are value judgments here, and society as a whole is more forgiving
than yourself.

Maybe so, maybe not.  You yourself are using a value judgement, one which
could be wrong itself.  Perhaps you are more forgiving than society as a
whole, and I am on par.

Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:
On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 01:30:43PM -0700, David MacQuigg wrote:
Interesting problem!  The example is very helpful in defining the category 
of email we are talking about.  How about we call it "Solicited Commercial 
Email" or SCE, instead of "cageliner".

no problem here, but ...

This would include mail from 
charitable and political organizations asking for donations,


Noncommercial. UNE?
This is a particular category that, as a society, we have decided is
"good" enough to allow interrupting your dinner with a phone call. I
expect that if it comes down to legislation, your inbox will not be
considered more sacred than your dinner hour.

Which society?  This is 'not done' over here where I live.  And illegal
when using email (not sure about phone).

ads from Walgreens,

On the contrary, I get the Walgreen's ads, but it is because I signed up
for them (with verification in the loop and permission to send e-mail
advertisements). Definitely solicited, and they seem to be rather
careful about how they use their list, as does my local newspaper who
also sends me commercial e-mails.

Ack.  If you signed up, then it's solicited.  That wasn't clear in the
message I replied to.

But if you gave your email address to your local newspaper in order to
receive "important messages" related to your subscription, I do not
consider their advertisements to be part of the deal.

Anyway, we seem to drift further and further away from the true topic
of this list: fighting email forgery using SPF.  I think we should not
continue to define semantics of spam, uce, ube, "une" and such here.


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